Artist recognition

In 2024, Manie Musicale Collaborative launched the first Ambassadeur/Ambassadrice de la musique francophone awards.  These awards are presented to artists who go above and beyond in promoting the French language and culture through their interactions with Nation Manie via social media posts, videos, side contests, Zooms, and more.  These artists model kindness, integrity, good digital citizenship, connection, and hard work.  Please join us in giving them your gratitude and support.  Merci!



Pour ses interactions avec Nation Manie en 2023 et 2024.

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Pour ses interactions avec Nation Manie en 2023 et 2024.


Pour ses interactions avec Nation Manie en 2024.

Manie Musicale would like to acknowledge artists prior to 2024 who modeled the qualities celebrated by this award.  We'd like to give a warm shout out to the following artists:


21 Juin le duo

Mickaël Pouvin

Amay Laoni
