This year's dates
The timeline for the 2025 Manie Musicale is as follows:
teacher registration (for voting, to get your school on the participant map, and to gain access to the teacher only site) is from December 1, 2024 to March 1, 2025
have students complete brackets by March 4, 2025; these are their predictions of who will win (teachers keep track of their own students' brackets; there is no national entry system for individual students)
voting begins on Wednesday, March 5th; teachers will tally their students' vote and submit a count to us via Google Form; we will not be using Survey Legend this year
voting opens at approximately 7:30 a.m. on the first voting day and ends at 8:00 p.m. on the second voting day (Eastern Standard Time)
each vote/matchup goes over two days (Monday/Tuesday, Wednesday/Thursday, Friday/Saturday)
results and reveal videos will be posted on this site after a delay of a few days to prevent "spoilers"; registered and verified teachers only will have access to the teacher site where results & reveal videos will be posted as soon as they are available
voting ends the day after the men's basketball championship ends - April 8, 2025
for a breakdown of which matchup goes with which dates, see our VOTING PAGE
Note that we follow the actual NCAA Men's College Basketball March Madness dates. We extend votes over two days to allow for teachers in various timezones and with alternating day schedules. Unfortunately, we cannot account for each individual school's vacation time. Do your best to play along in whatever way works for you. Do a search in our Facebook group for suggestions and tips. Merci!